Do you recall last year's runaway hit "Overtake the POPE"? (If not, I'll refresh your memory: it was my sole entry into the CSSCGC 2009) Well, what with all the recent fuss about the Pope's proposed visit to the UK, it was felt that the time was ripe for a new and improved version. Basically, I've changed (that is, re-rendered (with the help of the new and improved scrplus ( (blatant plug (I'd better stop these parens or people will think I'm a LISP coder (Don't be daft - everyone knows you're not clever enough to grok LISP - Ed.)))))) the loading screen, removed a few bugs, added a few others, and given the player a handgun to shoot the Popemobile with. -Edward PS I was going to make the loading screen use ULA+, just to make things difficult, but I couldn't get FUSE to play ball; it doesn't seem to recognise the extended .scr format. I may send a ULA+ enabled version in the next few days, when I get my toolchain sorted out.